How can you get rid of fruit flies for good with this simple trick?

How can you get rid of fruit flies for good with this simple trick

Fruit flies can be a real nuisance in your home, especially during the warmer months. Luckily there is one simple trick to get rid of these annoying insects for good. In this article you will discover step-by-step how to get rid of fruit flies with a few simple means that you probably already have at home

Why attract fruit flies?

Fruit flies are attracted to ripening or rotting fruits and vegetables. They also like damp places and sweet smells. It’s important to understand why they appear so you can minimize their presence.

Some common causes are:

  • Overripe fruit on the counter
  • Unopened bottles of wine or beer
  • Damp dishcloths or sponges
  • Fermenting products such as vinegar or juice

The necessities

To perform this trick, you only need a few simple ingredients:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • A bowl or glass
  • Plastic foil
  • Toothpick or fork

Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Prepare the trap

Pour a small amount of apple cider vinegar into the bowl or glass. Apple cider vinegar has a strong odor that attracts fruit flies. Then add a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar. The dish soap breaks the surface tension of the liquid, causing the flies to sink as soon as they land.

Step 2: Cover the bowl

Cover the top of the bowl with plastic wrap. Make sure the foil is stretched tightly over the edge of the bowl. This prevents the flies from escaping after being attracted to the vinegar.

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Step 3: Poke holes in the foil

Use a toothpick or fork to poke small holes in the plastic wrap. The holes should be large enough for the fruit flies to crawl through, but small enough so that they cannot easily escape.

Step 4: Place the trap in strategic places

Place the trap in places where you often see fruit flies, such as in the kitchen, near the fruit basket or next to the garbage can. Within a few hours, the flies will be attracted to the smell of the apple cider vinegar and become trapped in the trap.

Natural alternatives

If you are not a fan of chemical solutions, there are also natural alternatives that can be effective against fruit flies:

  • Clove and lemon: Cut a lemon in half and insert some cloves. Place this in places where you are bothered by fruit flies.
  • Basil: Fruit flies do not like the smell of basil. Place a basil plant in your kitchen to keep them at bay.
  • Lavender oil: Mix a few drops of lavender oil with water in a spray bottle and spray it in places where you often see fruit flies.

Precautionary actions

After you have successfully gotten rid of the fruit flies, it is important to take preventive measures to prevent them from coming back:

  • Store fruit in the refrigerator: Store ripening fruit in the refrigerator to prevent it from attracting fruit flies.
  • Clean regularly: Keep your kitchen clean and dry, especially surfaces where food residue may remain.
  • Cover waste bins properly: Make sure waste bins are properly closed and empty them regularly.
  • Rinse empty bottles and cans: Rinse empty bottles and cans before throwing them away to remove sugary beverage residue.
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Additional tips

Sometimes you may need to take additional steps if you find that the above methods are not sufficient:

  • Glue traps: Use glue traps specifically designed for fruit flies to supplement your homemade traps.
  • Dehumidifier: Consider using a dehumidifier in damp areas to make it less attractive to fruit flies.
  • Aromatic herbs: Place jars of aromatic herbs such as mint, rosemary or thyme in your kitchen to deter fruit flies.

With this simple trick and additional tips, you can get rid of fruit flies for good and enjoy a clean and fresh home without unwanted guests.

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