Common mistakes when growing tomatoes, even experienced gardeners make them


If experienced gardener you may think that you have all tricks of the trade knows when it comes to growing tomatoes. But did you know that common mistakes are still made, even by the most experienced green fingers? In this article we will discuss some of these errors and tips give to avoid them. You are ready? Let’s dive in!

Sowing Too Late

Tomatoes need an early start. Many gardeners wait too long to sow seeds, meaning the plants are not properly developed by the time they go outside. This can make the young plants more vulnerable to late spring frost or strong winds.

Wrong Tomato Varieties Choose fetch priorities

Choosing the right variety is crucial. Some species need a longer growth period than our climate allows. This means that the fruits cannot ripen on time. Pay close attention to the ripening time and climate requirements of the variety you choose.

Underestimation of the solar requirement

Tomato plants need a lot of sunlight, on average about 6-8 hours per day. A common mistake is placing tomato plants where they do not get enough direct sunlight. This leads to spindly plants that cannot flower or bear fruit properly.

Inadequate Watering

Although it is important to avoid waterlogging, especially as it can cause root diseases, regular and sufficient watering is essential. The water demand of tomato plants can increase sharply, especially during warm days.

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Not Pruning Correctly

Many gardeners forget to prune their tomato plants, which is essential for the plant’s health and productivity. By pruning the plants you promote air circulation, which reduces the risk of diseases and allows the plants to grow more vigorously.

No Support Provided

Tomato plants need support so that they can grow tall and bear heavy fruit. Failure to provide adequate support can lead to damaged plants and lost harvest.

Do not use soil improvers

Adding compost or manure to the soil in which you grow tomatoes can greatly help improve soil structure and nutrient richness. This provides the tomato plants with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.


Q: How early should I start sowing my tomatoes?

A: It is advisable to sow tomato seeds indoors approximately 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date.

Q: Which type of tomato plant needs the most sunlight?

A: All tomato varieties need a lot of sunlight, but especially the larger fruit varieties such as beefsteak tomatoes need a lot of sun to ripen properly.

Q: Is it necessary to prune tomato plants?

A: Yes, it is important to prune tomato plants regularly to prevent diseases and to promote good air circulation and sunlight penetration.

Q: What type of support should I provide for my tomato plants?

A: Tomato plants do well with stakes or tomato cages that help hold up and support the plants when they begin to bear weight.

Q: Why is it important to use soil amendments when growing tomatoes?

A: Soil improvers such as compost or manure enrich the soil, improve its structure and help provide essential nutrients crucial to the health and growth of tomato plants.

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