Early summer sounds, flavors and cooking tips


Of early summer brings a range sounds in the taste with it that us warm your heart and our stimulate the senses. Discover new ones cooking tips and be inspired by the delicious culinary options that this season has to offer. Be surprised and enjoy of this unique experience!

Musical Mornings in the Garden

During the first summer mornings, nature offers an orchestra of sounds that bring peace and inspiration. Think of the soft song of birds and the buzzing of bees looking for early nectar. These harmonies are perfect to start the day with a cup of coffee in hand, or even to start an outdoor yoga session.

Local Products and Their Fresh Taste

With the arrival of summer, fresh, local products also appear on the market. The taste of freshly picked strawberries or the first crispy radishes can be a real taste sensation. The use of fresh herbs such as basil, coriander and mint from our own garden not only provides fantastic flavors in our dishes, but also creates a circle of sustainability around our cooking habits.

Cooking Tips for the Beginning Summer Kitchen

Preparing meals with fresh ingredients requires a different approach than cooking during cold months. Salads, cold pasta and grilled dishes are now more common. Here are some tips:

  • Use the grill for vegetables and fish to discover new flavors and textures.
  • Prepare a fresh salad with a dressing of fresh lemon juice and olive oil to accentuate the natural flavors of your ingredients.
  • Experiment with smoothies or cold soups like gazpacho for those hot summer days.
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Q: What are the best local products to use in early summer?
R: Strawberries, lettuce, radishes, and young snow peas are some of the best choices for early summer. These products are fresh, full of flavor and very nutritious.
Q: How can I use my garden to improve my cooking?
R: Consider planting herbs and some simple vegetables. Fresh herbs from the garden can enrich every meal and ensure a more sustainable household.
Q: Are there any easy recipes for beginning cooks during early summer?
R: Yes, simple salads, smoothies and grilled vegetable recipes are not only easy to prepare but also healthy and refreshing.

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