Common Mistakes Gardeners Make When Planting Vegetables In Spring


Dear garden lovers, it spring is in sight and that means it’s time to vegetables to plant in the garden. But be careful, common mistakes can ensure that you harvest is not as successful as hoped. Find out in this article what mistakes you should make to avoid to a lush vegetable garden to create!

Don’t Make a Plan

It seems simple, but starting to plant without a clear plan often leads to inefficient use of space and poorly performing plants. Before you plant, consider which vegetables you want to grow, read about their specific needs and determine where they will best grow in your garden. This includes considerations such as sunlight, water needs and growing conditions.

Don’t Consider the Size of Mature Plants

Many gardeners underestimate how large vegetable plants can grow. This can lead to overcrowding, where the plants compete with each other for sunlight and nutrients. Consult the seed packets or plant labels for plant spread information and plan for enough space between each plant.

Last minute for seed purchases

Waiting until the last minute to buy seeds or seedlings may mean you are faced with limited choice and may not be able to plant your preferred varieties. Start purchasing seeds or plants on time to avoid disappointments.

Soil testing Ignore

Many gardeners make the mistake of not doing a soil test before planting. A simple soil test can provide essential information about the PH value and nutrients that are missing or present in abundance. This information can be crucial in giving your vegetables the best start.

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Seedlings That Have Not Hardened Off

Seedlings grown indoors should be gradually exposed to outdoor conditions. This process is called ‘hardening off’. Suddenly putting seedlings outside without this procedure can lead to their demise due to the elements they are not accustomed to.

Plant Young Plants Deeper

Tomatoes, for example, benefit greatly from being planted deeply because they can develop additional roots along the buried stem. This not only makes plants strong but also supports their ability to absorb nutrients and water.

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