Neoclassical Interior Design: An easy-to-use guide to achieving the look


Are you fascinated by the timeless elegance of neoclassical interior design? Do you want that refined, harmonious feeling create in your own home, but don’t know where to start? This easy-to-use guide takes you step-by-step through the world of neoclassical aesthetics, so you can… chic and balanced appearance can achieve that is so characteristic of this style. Be inspired by the perfect blend of traditional charm and modern finesseand transform your home into one elegant and inviting space. Join us on this stylish journey to creating a breathtaking neoclassical interior.

What is neoclassical interior design?

Neoclassical interior design is a style that combines luxury, elegance and a timeless aesthetic. Inspired by the art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, this style is characterized by its use of large scale, symmetry, and simple but powerful elements such as pillars, friezes and ornaments.

The basic elements of neoclassical design

A neoclassical interior is all about balance and harmony. Some key aspects are:

  • Symmetrical layouts and furniture arrangement.
  • Use of classical columns and detailed stucco work.
  • A color palette that mainly consists of soft, neutral tones mixed with powerful accents such as black or gold.
  • Luxury materials such as marble, wood and rich fabrics such as velvet and silk.

How do you create a neoclassical space?

Achieving a neoclassical look requires attention to detail and a penchant for classic beauty. Follow these steps to achieve the desired effect:

  • Choose a harmonious and symmetrical layout of the room.
  • Invest in quality furniture with elegant lines and luxurious fabrics.
  • Emphasize architectural details such as cornices, ceiling medallions and pilasters.
  • Use elegant, classic art and accessories.
  • Provide sufficient lighting to emphasize the rich details and textures.
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Tips for combining modern with neoclassical

To give a contemporary twist to your neoclassical interior, you can seamlessly integrate modern elements. Think about:

  • Sleek, modern furniture that contrasts yet complements the grandeur of neoclassical pieces.
  • Use of modern works of art that give the classic elements a fresh look.
  • Introducing contemporary technology in a way that does not disrupt the aesthetic feeling.

Common mistakes to avoid

Although neoclassical design is rich in detail, it can easily become overwhelming. Avoid the following pitfalls:

  • Too many decorative elements that clutter the space.
  • The use of colors that are too bright detract from the subtle luxury of the neoclassical palette.
  • Neglect of proportion and scale, which is essential for harmony in neoclassical designs.

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