These vegetables you can plant in June and enjoy this summer


It’s June and you still have time to plant a variety of vegetables that you can harvest this summer. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, there are plenty of options to consider. In this article, we discuss some of the best vegetables to plant in June and how to care for them for a successful harvest.


Lettuce is one of the most versatile vegetables you can plant in June. It grows quickly and can be harvested within a few weeks. There are several types of lettuce, such as butterhead lettuce, iceberg lettuce and arugula, all of which thrive in the summer months.

To plant lettuce, sow the seeds directly into the ground in a sunny spot. Make sure the soil is well-drained and keep it moist. Lettuce does not require much space, so it is also ideal for smaller gardens or even balcony boxes.


Beans are another great option for June. They grow quickly and can be harvested several times per season. There are two main types of beans: standard beans and pole beans. Standard beans grow low to the ground, while pole beans climb and need support.

Sow the bean seeds directly in the ground in a sunny spot. Make sure the soil is rich in organic matter and well-drained. Beans need regular water, especially during dry periods.


Zucchini is a popular summer vegetable that is easy to grow. The plants produce abundant fruit throughout the summer months, making them an excellent choice for any vegetable garden.

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Plant zucchini seeds directly in the ground in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Zucchini plants need a lot of space to grow, so make sure you leave plenty of distance between the plants. Keep the soil moist and water regularly.


Radishes are one of the fastest growing vegetables you can plant. They can be harvested within three to four weeks of sowing, making them perfect for quick results.

Sow radish seeds directly in the ground in a sunny spot. Radishes need loose, well-drained soil to grow well. Keep the soil moist and thin the seedlings to provide enough space for each plant.


Spinach is a nutritious leafy vegetable that thrives in cooler temperatures, but can also be planted in June for a summer harvest. Spinach grows quickly and can be harvested several times per season.

Sow spinach seeds directly in the ground in a spot with partial shade to full sun. Spinach needs rich, moist soil to grow well. Keep the soil moist and harvest the leaves regularly to encourage new growth.


Herbs such as basil, parsley and cilantro can also be planted in June and will grow quickly during the warm summer months. These herbs not only add flavor to your dishes, but also attract beneficial insects to your garden.

  • Basil: Plant basil seeds or seedlings in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Keep the soil moist and pinch off the tops regularly to promote bushy growth.
  • Parsley: Sow parsley seeds directly in the ground or plant seedlings in a spot with partial shade to full sun. Parsley needs rich, moist soil to grow well.
  • Cilantro: Sow coriander seeds directly in the ground in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Coriander grows quickly and can be harvested several times per season.
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With these vegetables, you can still enjoy a bountiful harvest this summer, even if you don’t start planting until June. Make sure you pay attention to the specific needs of each plant and enjoy the process of growing your own fresh produce.

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  • These vegetables you can plant in June and enjoy this summer