Tired of dirty windows? Discover 5 DIY hacks for sparkling windows now!


Tired of dirty windows? Discover 5 DIY hacks for sparkling windows now!

Use white vinegar for a streak-free result

One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to make your windows shine is to use white vinegar. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on your windows and wipe it off with a microfiber cloth. Vinegar removes dirt and grease without leaving streaks.

For stubborn stains, you can add a little baking soda to the mixture. This provides a slightly abrasive effect that removes even the most stubborn stains.

Use newspaper

It may sound old-fashioned, but newspaper is a great way to clean your windows. The paper is absorbent and does not leave lint behind like some cloths do. Spray your favorite cleaner on the window and use newspaper to wipe it clean. You will be amazed by the result.

An added benefit is that you can reuse old newspapers, making this an environmentally friendly option.

Try a homemade lemon cleanser

Lemons are not only great in the kitchen, but also for cleaning windows. The natural acids in lemons help remove dirt and grease. Mix the juice of one lemon with two cups of water and add a tablespoon of white vinegar. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and use it as you would any other cleaning product.

The fresh scent of lemon also gives your home a pleasant scent while you clean.

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Use a squeegee for professional-looking results

A squeegee, or squeegee, is an indispensable tool for streak-free windows. Start at the top of the window and work your way down in straight lines. Wipe the rubber edge of the squeegee with a cloth after each pass to prevent streaks.

This tool is often used by professional window cleaners and can help you achieve the same professional results.

Make your own cleaning wipes

Instead of buying disposable wipes, you can easily make your own reusable cleaning wipes. Take some old cotton cloths or T-shirts and cut them into manageable pieces. Soak these cloths in a mixture of water, white vinegar and a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent.

  • Durable: Reusable wipes reduce waste.
  • Cost efficient: You save money by not buying disposable wipes.
  • Pleasant scent: Essential oils give your home a fresh scent.

In addition to the hacks above, there are some additional tips you can follow to ensure your windows are always sparkling clean:

  • Cleaning on cloudy days: Sunlight can cause cleaning agents to dry too quickly, which can cause streaks.
  • Inside and outside: Don’t forget to clean both the inside and outside of your windows for best results.
  • Regular maintenance: Clean your windows regularly to prevent dirt and dust from accumulating.

With these simple DIY hacks, you can enjoy sparkling windows without spending a lot of money on expensive cleaning products. Try them out today and see for yourself how effective they are!

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  • Tired of dirty windows? Discover 5 DIY hacks for sparkling windows now!