6 classic mistakes when styling your kitchen


Styling your kitchen can be a challenging task, especially if you’re trying to strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics. However, many people make classic mistakes that can affect the look of their kitchen. Here are six common mistakes to avoid when styling your kitchen.

Too many accessories

One of the most common mistakes is using too many accessories. While accessories such as pots, pans, spice racks and decorative items can add a personal touch to your kitchen, an overload of these items can make the space seem cluttered and chaotic. It is important to find a balance between decoration and functionality.

Consider only using those accessories that really contribute to the atmosphere and functionality of your kitchen. A few well-chosen pieces can make a big difference without it becoming overwhelming.

Wrong lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in the appearance of your kitchen. A common mistake is neglecting proper lighting. Poor lighting can not only ruin the atmosphere, but also make cooking difficult. Provide a combination of functional and mood lighting.

Think of under-cabinet lighting for worktops, hanging lamps above the kitchen island and mood lighting to create a warm ambiance. The use of dimmers can also help to adjust the light intensity for different occasions.

Insufficient storage space

Another common mistake is the lack of sufficient storage space. This can lead to a messy and disorganized kitchen. Make sure you have enough cupboards, drawers and shelves to store all your kitchen utensils, crockery and supplies.

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Consider smart storage solutions such as pull-out shelving, corner carousels and drawer dividers to make the most of available space. A well-organized kitchen not only looks better, but also makes cooking more efficient.

Neglecting workspace

A functional kitchen needs sufficient work space. A common mistake is underestimating the amount of workspace you need. Too little work space can make preparing meals difficult and often leads to frustration.

Make sure you have enough counter space for all your cooking activities. Also consider multi-functional furniture such as a kitchen island with extra counter space or an extendable table that you can use when needed.

Don’t think about color scheme

Colors play an important role in the appearance of your kitchen. A common mistake is choosing colors that don’t go well together or that don’t match the rest of your interior. This can result in a disjointed and unattractive space.

Choose a harmonious color scheme that matches the style of your home. Neutral colors such as white, gray and beige are timeless and can easily be combined with accent colors for a fresh look. Don’t forget to also consider the colors of your appliances, cabinets and countertops.

Forgetting the personal touch

Finally, a common mistake is forgetting to add a personal touch to your kitchen. While it’s important to follow trends, make sure your kitchen also reflects your personality.

Consider adding unique pieces such as vintage tableware, handmade works of art or heirlooms that have a special meaning to you. These items can add character to your kitchen and make it really feel like your space.

  • Too many accessories: Keep it simple and functional.
  • Wrong lighting: Combine functional and mood lighting.
  • Insufficient storage space: Use smart storage solutions.
  • Neglecting workspace: Ensure there is sufficient worktop space.
  • Don’t think about color scheme: Choose harmonious colors that match your style.
  • Forgetting the personal touch: Add unique pieces that reflect your personality.
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By avoiding these classic mistakes, you can ensure that your kitchen is both functional and stylish. Take the time to think about every decision you make when styling your kitchen so that you ultimately create a space you can be proud of.

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  • 6 classic mistakes when styling your kitchen